A blog on logos, corporate identity and branding.

Posts tagged ‘graphic designer’

Business Card Etiquette

Very few individuals have the natural aptitude to follow rules of etiquette without being told what they are, and most of us wallow in a bit of helpless ignorance until somebody comes along and shows us the light. A major rule of good business card etiquette is to take advantage of opportunities to advertise for free. (more…)

Design Tips for Large Vinyl Banners

Mistakes To Avoid In Your Advertising Campaign

Here are some surefire ways to blow your marketing campaign:

1. Create your advertising campaign yourself.

Sure, you can do it. Who needs a professional anyway? You are just going to pay for it immensely and would only be left with unsatisfactory results just because your color printing company was not able to provide you with your expectations. (more…)

Corporate Identity Goes Far Deeper than Just the Logo

Graphic designers frequently play a prominent role in launching or repositioning a company. When they create a look (or new look) for a company’s stationery, brochure, ads and web site, this often goes by the name of an “identity package.” Don’t let this convenient term mislead you into believing that a company’s identity consists of merely the logo and look. (more…)