A blog on logos, corporate identity and branding.

Posts tagged ‘color printing’

Anatomy of a Thank You Card

In addition to preparing for the ceremony and reception of their special day, many bride and groom are intimidated by the thought of writing thank you notes after. Providing personalized notecards is often considered as one of the daunting tasks that no married couple can do without. (more…)

Mistakes To Avoid In Your Advertising Campaign

Here are some surefire ways to blow your marketing campaign:

1. Create your advertising campaign yourself.

Sure, you can do it. Who needs a professional anyway? You are just going to pay for it immensely and would only be left with unsatisfactory results just because your color printing company was not able to provide you with your expectations. (more…)

Be Proud of Your Business Card

Do you get a small smile each time someone asks to see your business card? Are you just waiting to bring it out and let them see? Are you truly proud of what you get to hand to people?

The answer to all of these questions should be yes, but for a lot of people, that isn’t the case. (more…)