A blog on logos, corporate identity and branding.

Posts tagged ‘Graphic Design’

Design Tips for Large Vinyl Banners

Basic Design ideas For Notepads

Pad printing is generally a simple process. Designing notepads is as easy as designing your custom flyers and postcards. The only difference is when you design these collaterals, you are actually providing your target clients with enough space to write on their notes. (more…)

Mistakes To Avoid In Your Advertising Campaign

Here are some surefire ways to blow your marketing campaign:

1. Create your advertising campaign yourself.

Sure, you can do it. Who needs a professional anyway? You are just going to pay for it immensely and would only be left with unsatisfactory results just because your color printing company was not able to provide you with your expectations. (more…)

Five Questions to ask before getting your Brochure Designed

Brochures are great marketing tools because they have a variety of uses. But, if you do not know the fundamentals of brochure printing, you could end up spending more money than needed, or you could produce poor quality brochures. Here are five questions to ask yourself before each brochure printing: (more…)

Designing Your Business Card

Business cards are an essential part of every businessperson’s arsenal. You have to have a business card ready to hand to anyone who might be a potential customer. Ideally, each business card will bring you an extra sale (or ten). However, that will only happen if your business card is effective, and it can only be effective if you make it better than the zillions of others out there. (more…)

Graphic Design vs. Interactive Design

Can a graphic designer design a website? Of course!

But there are risks involved when someone who thinks in terms of paper and inches starts creating designs for screens and pixels.

In this article, we’ll look at what makes web design so different, and we’ll talk about what to look for in a site designer. (more…)