A blog on logos, corporate identity and branding.

Posts tagged ‘branding tips’

Basic Design ideas For Notepads

Pad printing is generally a simple process. Designing notepads is as easy as designing your custom flyers and postcards. The only difference is when you design these collaterals, you are actually providing your target clients with enough space to write on their notes. (more…)

Brand Loyalty: Bottom Line of Any Successful Business

Every successful business depends on Brand Loyalty as it is the ultimate goal a company aims at. Brand Loyalty means a consumer’s commitment to a brand. It implies that the customer not only looks for his/her own benefit but is willing to think about the brand’s interest. (more…)

Corporate Gifts Increase Your Brand’s Awareness

Many businesses are familiar with giving corporate gifts as a strategy of building up and preserving strong business relationships the idea goes for both employees and clients. Some companies will already have a corporate gift scheme and experience satisfied staff and returning and loyal customers. (more…)

Using Drinkware To Promote Your Logo

The key to using drinkware such as imprinted sport bottles, glasses, paper and plastic cups, and tumblers as an effective promotional product is to choose the right item for each event or promotion. Depending on the event, you could want a product that is elegant and has staying power compared to a product that is inexpensive and ideal for mass distribution. (more…)